No matter how cold it gets, sunny spots feel relatively warm, which shows that coldness can be interpreted in different ways. As I write diligently, I realize that the text can be understood in various ways depending on the reader's perspective. This highlights the contradictions in our interpretations.
For the past few years, my children have been sharing their hearts with some girls around the ages of 8 and 10. By giving Christmas presents, my children express their feelings to these girls, which brings them joy.
On a personal note, over the past month, my spouse has had frequent gatherings that last late into the night. This has created a strong conflict between the pursuit of happiness and the value of freedom, leading to a lot of emotional labor for me.
Individually, I've been assessing the limits surrounding me and have a strong determination to take action, but I haven't managed to break through those barriers, leaving me feeling quite drained both physically and mentally.
Wishing you a joyful Christmas! Merry Christmas!
그리고 베란다 텃밭 배추는 12포기중 23일, 24일
4포기를 요리할 때 재료로 사용하였습니다.
날이 추워지니 성장이 느리고, 좀 더 키우고 싶었지만
또리앤이 11월 27일 무지개다리를 건넜고
장볼 때 식자재 가격이 고공이라,
베란다 작물 사이즈랑 비슷해서 잘 먹고 있는 중 입니다.^^
항상 감사합니다.

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